Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Gold Standard

" has only been 40 years since the global government currencies have been completely unbacked by anything (since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971). Would you think these governments around the world might take advantage this great ability to print money when needed? Hell yes, not only will they all take advantage of it, they will abuse it. It is this very abuse by central bankers and governments which laid the foundation for bitcoin to be created and now grow... ...what is a preposterous fantasy is that governments and central banks will stop doing what they're doing - that they will start being disciplined, will pay down all the debt, and will stop printing. Not only is it preposterous, it's also dangerous. Ask people who owned Zimbabwe currency, Argentina's peso, or the Mark during the Weimar Republic. You need to open your mind to the possibility that this 40 year experiment of pure fiat, controlled by out of control governments and central bankers, who have the ability to print money at will, will not work out. You make your bet by staying in the dollar. I will keep some of my wealth in bitcoin. Good luck to all as we see how this plays out." -Joe T

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