Wednesday, August 16, 2017

7 Million Sodas

"So, you do understand how a dollar breaks into one hundred pennies, right? Well, a bitcoin breaks into exactly 100000000 Satoshis. Meaning right now, you can pick up a million satoshis for about $7. Assuming that bitcoin replaces all fiat currency and becomes the standard global unit of exchange, 1 satoshi will be worth about what $1 is today. So, if you do believe that bitcoin will ultimately become the global unit of exchange, or even if you just think it might be possible, it would be a pretty good idea to spend $7 on a million Satoshis today. If you live to see the day that bitcoin becomes the global currency, you'll have a nice $7Million USD worth of bitcoin. Of course, USD will no longer be in use, but still--you'll have enough bitcoin to buy 7 million cans of soda at a NYC deli."  -- Henry Romp on Nov. 19th, 2013

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